2006/Nov/18th @表参道 EX-LOUNGE
中松義成の写真家としての側面をCLOSE UPした、写真展「GIVEN HOLIDAY」にて公開するために編集されたspecialmovie。1998年から2002年まで撮りためた米シングルマザーのドキュメンタリー写真と生演奏を融合するという独自の企画、
The movie specially made for Yoshinari Nakamatsu's photoexhibition, Given Holiday, at EX-LOUNGE, Tokyo, Japan, November 18, 2006. Only 5 minutes of this movie contains the documentray photos, words, thoughts, conversations and inspired music made between 1998 and 2002. A song came from a photo of a portrait, rough skin, and it turned out to be a project, PHOTOACTING, a mixture of a documentary photos and live music. it has no begining nor ending in the story, but did you find your life there? All photos, graphics, lyrycs, music, vocals and instruments, recording, mix, and total produce is by Yoshinari Nakamatsu himself.